Political Youth Association Dresden

The Political Youth Association Dresden (PJR Dresden) is a registered association for political youth welfare and relies heavily on the volunteer work of politically interested and engaged young people.
Our goal is to offer a variety of sociopolitical learning opportunities, especially for young people between the ages of 10 and 27.
We want to spark interest in social dynamics by making social structures and decision-making processes more interesting and transparent for adolescents. This way adolescent are being motivated to actively engage in our democratic society and live responsible-minded.

We offer opportunities for volunteers to try out different things, take over responsibilities and make experiences that will last a life time. We are open to all social classes and act as a competent contact for everyone. We have been a recognized private agency for youth welfare since 1995 with special competences in the field of extracurricular education.
PJR Dresden e.V. is acting above party lines and as a nonpartisan organization.

Adolescents prepare and conduct all offers voluntarily and for the most part independently. Two fulltime employees support them. Since 2003 we also work closely with the Saxon Youth Foundation and regularly employ a volunteer for a volunteer in his or her Voluntary Social Year Politics (FSJP – Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr in der Politik).

In order to promote our societal objective we work closely with schools, other institutions for youth education and different foundations.

We organize one-day or multi-day seminars and workshops, guided tablet tours, simulation games, youth encounters, seminar and memorial site trips (Berlin, Buchenwald, Terezin). We are open to the ideas of our volunteers in terms of topics. Past topics have included extremism, racism, social media and youth participation.

We also meet with our volunteers in thematic working groups to discuss the topics of racism and extremism and to revise and expand our educational programs and make them accessible to new target groups.

We are also engaged in being a representative for the discussion groups for districts in Plauen, in the association for extracurricular child- and youth education, and we are a member of the network “Tolerant Saxony”.

With all its offers and engagements PJR Dresden is unique in Dresden. The long-term and committed work done by volunteers and employees deserves to be acknowledged.