Our Team

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Tobias Wallusch

Main Office / Education Manager

I have been working as a full-time employee at PJR Dresden since March 2013. I studied Political Science / Sociology / Modern History at the TU Dresden and was able to gain experience on the field through many years of volunteer work. During my studies, I was active in various educational organisations in Dresden and spent a long time in Latin America as part of three stays abroad (studying, development and peacemaking work).

Franziska Herrmann

Main Office / Education Manager

I have been working full-time at PJR Dresden e.V. since September 2005. I completed a master’s degree in educational science/psychology/communication science at the TU Dresden and successfully graduated in 1999. I then worked for the school evaluation research group at the Institute of Educational Sciences at the TU Dresden and was subsequently responsible for setting up the “Social Action” project at the Saxon Centre for School and Youth Work. I particularly enjoy working at the PJR because I get to meet lots of cool people and develop exciting projects.

Moritz Glenk

Voluntary / Chairman of the Board

I moved to Dresden in the fall of 2023 due to a new professional challenge in the field of European politics. After previously working full-time in political education and anti-racism work for 5 years, I was keen to get involved in this area again on a voluntary basis. I am all the more pleased to have become aware of the PJR and to have been given the opportunity to work with the full-time staff, the other board members and the many other committed people here to further advance the PJR’s broad range of socio-political education.

Robert Härer

Voluntary / Chairman of the Board

In the search for a new, meaningful and fulfilling voluntary work experience I found PJR through ehrensache.jetzt. The combination of active involvement in the organisation and the promotion and dissemination of socio-political education within a wide range of project collaborations really attracted me and connects well with my many years of experience in extracurricular youth work.

Clarissa Becker

Voluntary / Member of the Board

I became aware of the PJR through an international youth exchange. I have been actively involved with the association since 2019 and have already had the opportunity to take part in the organisation and supervision of a youth exchange. I really appreciate the PJR for its commitment to political education in Dresden. I am currently completing my Master’s degree in Politics and Constitution at the TU Dresden. I am extremely pleased to have been elected to the board and to be able to realise new educational projects together with the committed people of the PJR.

Anna-Lena Gräfe

Voluntary / Member of the Board

Two years ago, I decided to move to the Dresden area for my studies. I stumbled across the PJR on the ehrensache.jetzt platform and have been active in the “AG Rassismuskritik” ever since. I enjoy working on current political issues and being able to put my ideas into practice by organising workshops. In summer 2023, I was elected as a member of the board and am now looking forward to a nice collaboration with everyone involved.

Libera Stivanello Profeta

European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Volunteer

I am Libera and this year I graduated from the School of Economics and International Relations. I wanted to take a year to learn about new cultures and engage in social work. I think that with the PJR I can reflect important political and social issues and help people in creative and unique ways. I am very grateful and happy for this opportunity and I look forward to these new experiences.

Naemi Weid

Social Voluntary Year in Politics (FSJ) Volunteer

Hi, my name is Naemi and I’ve just finished twelth grade. I decided to do this voluntary year because I’m interested in politics and history. Apart from that, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study. I’m hoping that that I can get some working experience in the field of politics during this year, and that I can come to a decision about what I want to do with my life. I’m also looking forward to meeting new people, expanding my knowledge and learning valuable new skills.