__( 'Sample widget based on WPBeginner Tutorial', 'textdomain' ), ] ); } // Creating widget front-end public function widget( $args, $instance ) { $title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] ); // before and after widget arguments are defined by themes echo $args['before_widget']; if ( ! empty( $title ) ) { echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title']; } // This is where you run the code and display the output echo __( 'Hello, World!', 'textdomain' ); echo $args['after_widget']; } // Widget Settings Form public function form( $instance ) { if ( isset( $instance['title'] ) ) { $title = $instance['title']; } else { $title = __( 'New title', 'textdomain' ); } // Widget admin form ?>

.custom_html a img { margin-bottom: 30px; }

Freiwilligendienste (ESK & FSJ-P)

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